Is there such a thing as an amicable divorce?

On Behalf of | Aug 8, 2024 | Firm News

Many couples wonder if it is possible to have an amicable divorce—after all, the divorce itself and the difficulties that come with it seem like a lot, right? It is true. They are. However, having an amicable divorce is most certainly possible.

How can a divorce be amicable?

One way to have an amicable divorce is through mediation. Mediation is one form of alternative dispute resolution where a neutral third party guides the couple through a structured conversation.

In that conversation, they can discuss anything from how to split up to how to distribute assets and even what to do about the kids if the couple has children.

Are there other ways?

Absolutely. In addition to simply having a traditional litigation-type divorce where the parties conduct themselves with tolerance and understanding for one another, there is also a collaborative divorce, which includes the couple’s lawyers but is conducted outside the courtroom.

As you can probably gather by now, whether a divorce is amicable or not depends mainly on the attitude of the parties and whether they seek to have an amicable divorce instead of an adversarial experience.

Individuals who want to fight typically go to court. In contrast, parties who choose to divorce amicably typically either select an alternative to traditional divorce methods or use traditional methods without the adversarial attitudes that usually go along with them.