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Russell W. Ray, PLLC Legal Blog

How do courts decide child custody?

When Virginia parents break up, ideally, their children will spend equal time with each parent. In a perfect situation, both parents will share parental responsibilities and participate in all activities in which the children are involved. Sadly, it is not a perfect world, and child custody decisions are not always so easy. It is natural for one parent to want…

Get your family care plan in order before a divorce

Serving your country as a member of the U.S. military out of Virginia is a noble decision and can be a rewarding experience, albeit not without its challenges and sacrifices. It’s no secret that it can be difficult to balance a military career with family life, especially if you have several children. Some marriages crumble under the pressure of it…

Rushing a divorce can be a mistake

The stress of a divorce is something most Virginia couples never expect. During a time of overwhelming emotions, it is easy to make mistakes. Unfortunately, there is a lot on the line during a divorce, and some mistakes can be costly for years into the future. Many divorcing couples simply want to get through this painful process as quickly as…

Options for parents who cannot afford child support

When parents separate, the welfare of their children is often a primary concern. Custody and support issues can be contentious, and Virginia has careful guidelines for calculating child support payments that a noncustodial parent must pay. However, it is not uncommon for circumstances to change, making it difficult for a supporting parent to meet his or her obligations. Some reports…

How to stop a hidden asset scheme in divorce

In a perfect world, Virginia spouses could expect property division proceedings to be swift and amicable, always resulting in a fair settlement. In reality, many spouses are forced to contend with highly stressful circumstances, especially when their former partners are “out to get them” in court. Divorce is never easy; a hidden asset scheme makes it harder than it has…

The potential for overlooking assets during divorce

Even in the best of circumstances, divorce is not typically an easy thing to go through. In some instances, the process can become pretty messy. Even if spouses in Virginia had an inkling that divorce was on the horizon, it is a life event that could involve a multitude of emotions. In many of these instances, dealing with potentially difficult…

Be prudent when dating after divorce

Separating from a spouse can be the one of the most difficult things anyone can do. Once Virginia couples have made the decision to divorce, it could be one or both just want to move on with life. With this in mind, dating could be in the cards, and a romantic connection may be established with someone else. If the…

Can one spouse afford to keep the marital home?

There are many things typically up for discussion between a couple that has decided to divorce. One of those issues is property division, and in some cases, one person may wish to keep the home. But how likely is this in regard to a changing financial landscape? In Virginia, there are a few options couples have, so it’s important to…

Details that should be assessed in a high-asset divorce

Emotions are often at an all-time high when a couple finally realizes their marriage is coming to an end. In the days following the decision to divorce, it’s likely that very little else is on each person’s mind other than the issues that will need to be addressed. Some people in Virginia may be under the misguided impression that a…